truth, shit, fertile earth, planting seeds

When Life Gives You Sh*t

A long time ago I said “When life gives you shit, grow mushrooms.” Well, today I realized that the times I thought that life had been throwing shit at me, I was actually being given the resources to make life better.

My material world had been stripped down to just the essential, and I had no other choice but to make something out of what I had. I had to “handle my shit.” And so I used my “shit” to help enhance my foundation so my future would produce something better than the past, and the present.

Now, with some time between me and that particular past, I can see that it made me better for having experienced all of it. Because amidst all of the struggle and heartache I found my truth. I discovered the most honest version of who I am.

truth, shit, fertile earth, planting seeds

About the author

The Enlightened Spectacle blog uses the exes, codependent tendencies, and esoteric thoughts of one woman in search of life’s deeper meaning as the inspiration for you to deviate from social norms, gain new perspectives, and embrace the darkness on your own Path of Enlightenment.

Josie de Vere is evolving thinker who happens to be codependent and also a writer. Hoping her journey through the darkness to know enlightenment inspires others along the way.

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